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Frazerganj, Bakkhali & Henry's Island

On the Western edge of Sundarban lies the three Beach Resort of Frazerganj, Bakkhali & Henry's Island. Located about 140 km from Calcutta (Kolkata) Frazerganj, Bakkhali & Henry's Island are favourite weekend destination for Calcuttans.

The history of Frazerganj dates back a century ago when Andrew Frazer the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal (1903 - 1908) fell in love with a small stretch of beach at the Western edge of Sundarban, at the village of Narayanitala. He built a bunglow, complete with coconut grove, which became a talking point of English men in Calcutta. But sadly Frazer's dream of turning Narayanitala into a beach resort was never fulfilled. His bunglow was soon abandoned and has long been swallowed up by the sea. So apart from the Anglican name nothing remains of Frazerganj's colonial past.

Bakkhali located 4 km from Frazerganj is a ideal place to spent the night as it has several hotels. But no trip to Bakkhili is complete with out a visit to Frazerganj Harbour & Henry's Island.

Henry's Island is the latest addition to the Bakkhali tourist map. West Bengal Fisheries Development Corporation runs two Resort, Mangrove & Sundari, at Henry's Island. The Kiran Beach of Henry's Island is spectacular and provides an interesting mix of beach & mangrove.

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